Sep 24, 2024
Episode Title: Understanding Seasonal Depression
Episode Summary:
In this insightful episode, therapist Celeste from Boston delves
into the topic of seasonal depression, also known as seasonal
affective disorder (SAD). Streaming live on Instagram, Facebook,
YouTube, and LinkedIn, Celeste emphasizes the importance of
understanding how the changing seasons and lack of sunlight can
significantly impact our mental health. She discusses common
misconceptions about seasonal depression and offers strategies to
better manage and recognize this condition. Additionally, Celeste
recaps last week's episode on substance abuse, highlighting the
subtle ways addiction can begin, especially during the fall and
winter months. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of seasonal
depression and learn practical tips to prevent it from taking over
your life.
Key Points:
Introduction to seasonal depression (SAD)
The impact of changing seasons and lack of sunlight on mental health
Misconceptions about seasonal depression
Strategies to manage and recognize seasonal depression
Recap of last week's episode on substance abuse
The connection between substance abuse and seasonal changes